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5 Sep 2018

Focus: Are you a philanthropist?

In a recent ABC radio interview for Focus, James Goodman shares some insights on philanthropy in Australia and highlights of the Goodman Foundation story.

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12 Jul 2018

From disillusionment to confidence – a client story

We’ve invited some of our longstanding clients to share their Goodmans story. Here we chat with Jackie and Barry about what they value about their relationship with us and what brings them peace of mind.

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9 May 2018

The Goodman News

Welcome to the Autumn edition of The Goodman News, where we highlight how we manage risk to help you achieve your most important goals with the highest level of probability.

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9 May 2018

Conversation with Frith Graham

Head Trekker, GirlsTrek

Frith Graham, the founder of the all girl getaway and hiking success story, GirlsTrek, chats with James Goodman about her business journey and defining what women want from adventure.

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9 May 2018

Spectacular Art - Opening Night

We are long-time supporters of the Rotary Art Spectacular, Queensland’s largest and most prestigious annual art exhibition.

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9 May 2018

New artwork at Goodmans

Speaking of spectacular art, if you have visited our office recently, you may have noticed some new artwork in our meeting room. This piece was painted by one of our longterm clients, Nikki Makiol.

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9 May 2018

Managing Risk - It's more than just insurance...

By Mark Everingham

When planning for your future and achieving your goals and objectives, a robust risk management plan is the safety-net providing the best chance of your plans coming to fruition if unplanned events occur.

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20 Dec 2017

Delegation and a happy life

Just wondering if you’ve ever thought about the important areas of your life that can’t be delegated?

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20 Dec 2017

The Goodman News

Welcome to the Summer edition of The Goodman News where we focus on helping you develop strategies to achieve your goals and aspirations

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20 Dec 2017

Meet Clancie Morrissey

Clancie Morrissey, our Portfolio Administrator and Quality & Standards Manager, has been an integral team member for 20 years. We chat with Clancie about what she values most about working at Goodmans, her “home away from home”.

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20 Dec 2017

Celebrating success

Watching an interview with then Prime Minister John Howard, in the day or two after his coalition was re-elected in 2004, one thing stuck in my mind.

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24 Nov 2017

Catch up with Brad Church

Next in our series of interviews with people who have been part of our 30 year journey, we speak with Goodman Chief Executive Brad Church. Read on to hear about how his career began, the vision for the next 30 years and the important place clients hold at the heart of the firm.

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16 Oct 2017

Catch up with Geraldine Simpson – our longest serving employee

Continuing our 30 year celebrations we chat with our longest serving employee Geraldine Simpson about achieving great things, her “other family”, and establishing Women in Finance.

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1 Sep 2017

Catch up with James Goodman

As part of our 30 year celebrations, we’re catching up with some of our team members and sharing their story with you.
Here, we chat with Senior Adviser James Goodman about how his role has evolved over the years and what Goodman Private Wealth means to him.

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7 Jul 2017

The North Korea Plan

Senior Adviser James Goodman explains how we make sure you have a plan which gets you where you want to be regardless of any surprises along the way.

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7 Jul 2017

Spotlight on superannuation reforms

Financial planning expert Sharyn Besch shines the spotlight on some key superannuation reforms and some not so well known changes.

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